Tuesday Morning

100_6375I began taking pictures and keeping notes for my Week in the Life album yesterday.  I thought I'd share some of my photos so far.  I'm already really enjoying this process.  It makes you really stop and take notice of all around you.  It makes me feel incredibly blessed!100_6367 

The first shot is of all the squares that Guh and I made, that I'm going to sew together for one of Bee's Christmas presents.100_6381      The second shot is of "boy breakfast".  Also in the shot:  the sugar dish that Grandma made for us and (a constant in my life)… prescriptions.

And on to better things-the third shot is my COFFEE!  YUMMO!Brushingteethmosaic

The next mosaic of shots is my crazy nut, Doodle, brushing his teeth.  Bee has his own silly way of brushing his teeth too, but it's hard to capture in a still photo.  He vibrates his whole body with the electric toothbrush and makes silly, shakey noises.  It's very funny!100_6396 

Next is taking boys to school.  I think my boys are late to school every day, due to the traffic.100_6397   Can you believe that we live in a town of 6000 people and my children are late everyday because of TRAFFIC?!?  I'm done letting it get to me, though.  That's life.  I'm on time, I can't help it that the schools don't have sufficient space to let all of us drop our kids off in a timely manner…  (it has bugged me in the past quite a bit, as you can probably tell…  hehehe)100_6401 

Here's a picture of "The Purple Car".


Had lunch at Pizza Hut, with Mandy.  No, I'm not sure why I didn't get a picture of her… 100_6410  

Went to the bank.  Umpa gave us a big box of change to cash in and told us the boys could split however much it ended up being…100_6412   It was a small box, but they made a killin'.


Went to the grocery store, actually three times yesterday.  I kept meaning to get some cold medicine and forgot twice…  Ugh!100_6423 

Picked up silly boys from school. 

Scott brought home yummy Chinese for dinner-I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to cook.  100_6427

We did homework way too late yesterday.  New rule:  homework first thing, when we get home from school!

We all went to bed early last night.  It was wonderful!

It was a big hit!

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Day Out With Thomas Mosaic, originally uploaded by doo010101.

A Day out with Thomas in Golden, Colorado is far different from A Day out with Thomas in Boone, Iowa! Like thousands of people different! It was overwhelming, but the kids loved every minute of it!

Didn’t Even Have To Think About It!

100_6191When Ali posted on her blog today, that she's doing A Week in the Life next week and would like to invite us to do it along with her, I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT!  Probably the most meaningful, thoughtful, fun-to-look-at,  and cherished scrapbooking project I've ever done, I treasure this book that I made in early spring of 2006!  Our boys were very small, in preschool, Bee was still in diapers, we were still living in Iowa and my Jo was still alive.  It seems like a different life now.  So much has changed.  So much that I want to remember!

So the information gathering starts next week  and I CAN'T WAIT!  If you'd like to check out her post, here's the link:  http://aliedwards.typepad.com/_a_/2008/09/join-in-a-week.html  .

This Week is Flying By…

100_6178So, what is it about a slow cooker meal that makes me feel like a good Mommy?

Will was kinda funny this morning.  I was trying to hurry him out of the car and into school and told him, "Will, hurry up, Mommy has lots of Mommy work to do today." He replied, "Mommy, why do you work so hard?" To which I replied, "Well, Dood, it takes a lot of work to be a good Mommy."  He mulled it over a minute and then said, "But, Mommy, we like you the way you are."  So, how would you take that?  lol

I can't believe it's already Wednesday!  My honey's taking off for his second business trip in as many weeks, tomorrow morning.  I have to pack up the boys and myself for a weekend trip to Colorado.  We're going to A Day Out With Thomas in Golden.  According to the news, the autumn colors should be at their peak there!  Should be a fun, beautiful time.  Also, almost at the last minute, my cousin, Lisa and two fo her kids have decided to join us.  I'm not going to tell the boys until we get there.  They're going to be so excited about Jack Thomas going with us!!!      100_6175 

I had fun yesterday, making cookies for Bee's Cub Scout troop too.  It was our turn to host the meeting and Bee did great, passing out craft supplies and cookies, leading the Pledge of Allegiance and helping in general.  Our cookies were a big hit too!  (Got some Boy Scout treasurer business to take care of before I can leave town too…  It's popcorn season and the money's rolling in!)100_6171 

So, in closing for today…  guess what I'm doing…  When I first started knitting, my mother and I enrolled in a square-of-the-month class.  (we thought it would be a good way to learn lots of new techniques and it was.)  But we got bored and as we learned the techniques, we also learned what we liked and didn't like and so the squares (mine and my mom's) have been in storage all this time.  We pull them out to look at them, once in a while and them put them back in their box.  Well, I called her yesterday and asked if she'd like to combine the squares and make the blanket.  I'll sew it together.  She said yes and she'd like me to have the finished object!  Originally I was thinking this would be a great blanket for Bee for Christmas, but most of the squares are wool and he doesn't much like the feel of wool…  so I'm not sure who will end up with it, but I can't wait to get it stitched up.  I'll be bringing the additional squares home this weekend!

Guess that's all I have today.  I hope you're having a fabulous day!

Beginning of another week.

100_6165Here's my latest contribution to Ali's Weekend Creative challenges.  This page was fun because I got to think about both my favorite hobbies!  I can't believe how many knitting projects I've finished since July!100_6086  (more than in the whole first half of the year!)  And still, thinking of all I want to do…  

I guess first off is finishing up Bee's zebras.  I got the first one finished over the weekend…100_6170  Also thinking of finishing another shawl that has been sitting in the store room for over a year…  and  a Halloween-colored pair of boy socks,  maybe a blanket for Bee for Christmas and another sweater for my boys…

  This is never going to end, is it?  


100_6155 I really enjoyed this project.  It was a pretty quick knit, being mostly stockinette.  I wish I hadn't allowed myself to get bogged down and frustrated with the collar.  The collar took me nearly as long as the front, because I couldn't decide what edging to do.  Eventually I setted on consistancy with the bottom of the sweater, but only after I had tried FIVE different edges and ripped them all out.  ( I know, I'm stupid.  lol)

Will loves it.  And it's the first time that Scott has been really (believably) complimentary about one of my knit projects.  And just to make sure he really liked it, I asked, "Is it good enough for him to wear in Christmas portraits this year?"  He replied yes. 

So, I'm  a happy camper with a big knitty ego today!  hehehe

Mosaic Monday

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ACOT Sept Photo Hunt mosaic, originally uploaded by doo010101.

Monday morning, the first day of Scott's business trip and me being on my own! Got the boys off to school just fine. Had to take tootsie-pop back to the vet this morning… we missed a parasite last time. So the doctor fixed her up again and hopefully for the final time. She's on medicine again… poor little pup.

So, on a lighter note, I thought I'd share some photographs that I've taken over the past few days, for a photo contest on my new, favorite scrapbook on-line community, www.acherryontop.com . The contest is called a photo hunt (kind of like a scavenger hunt, but you take pictures of the subjects they give you.) It's been a lot of fun so far!

I'm thinking I'll need to take a bunch of the pictures while in Colorado for Thomas the Tank Engine… we don't have any leaves turning yet and that's one of the items on the hunt… Should be fun!

Sunday Morning Stuff

100_6065Got the back done last night.  I can't believe I got the back of a vest done in two days…  I don't know how I did it…  it's big needles and big yarn, but still…  I'm going to start on the front today, which, I'm sure, will take longer, since it has cables and a v-neck.  I might be delusional, but I'm thinking I might have it done this week…  We'll see.100_6040 

Just one more thing to share today.  I took the boys to the park yesterday to play and have a picnic.  When I wanted to get pictures, I told them, "Ok, boys, give me pretty smiles and put your arms around each other."  They complied and I got a really sweet shot!100_6043  

Then I said, "ok, now be crazy."

They do "crazy" really well!  (little weirdos…lol) 

Oh yeah, this does my heart good!


We haven't seen blue skies and sun for close to a week.  Been having very dreary, overcast, cold days.  So when I awoke this morning and opened the window, my whole self felt happy!  Thermometer says it's 48 degrees and it's gorgeous! 

When I open the window these days, and it's much cooler than I expect, I always remember how exciting it was, as a kid, when vacationing out west, to wake up in the mornings and find the weather to be so cool.   Growing up in Savannah, Georgia, it was rarely cool, unless it was the dead of winter.  It was exciting out here and we acted like idiots when we encountered cool weather and God forbid we find snow!  lol100_5986 

So I did a little knitting yesterday.  Got a respectable amount done on the boys' new fall vest.100_5961  I love the idea of not having to knit sleeves!!

Got several more inches done on Bee's zebras yesterday too…  (further than this picture shows.)  Katherine and Denise are coming over tonight to knit with me.  Should be fun.100_5835   

My honey's leaving for a business trip to Las Vegas tomorrow.  He'll be gone all week.  Should be an interesting look at single parenthood.  (that's me, attempting to be optimistic and not freak out about my husband being gone for an entire week!) 

I guess that's it for now.  Going to go enjoy the beautiful morning some more!