5 Years Ago Today

IM004300Five years ago today…  February 26, 2004.  Will was already taking care of his little brother, giving him a toy in this picture.IM004315 

We were leaving to run errands on this paticular day.  We still were living in Iowa.  Will was three and Scotty was almost 2.IM004313

Wow, what happy babies!  These pictures make me happy too, just looking at them!

(I wish they still fit in a double stroller!  KIDDING!!)

Knitting Plans


Well now, I have to have one of these!!  (the red one, be precise.)  It takes 1000 yards of worsted weight yarn…  the equivalent of a sweater…  This will be a major knit!  It's knit in the round, so it will be super thick and warm.  It's 9" wide and 9' long.  The mother of all scarves!

And…  does it look familiar to you?







It would if you're a Harry Potter fan!

I watched 2 of the 5 movies yesterday and got excited about this knitting project all over again.  Still have to order the yarn and then I'll get started right away!  (may take a year…lol)












RosaliescarfAlso still want to knit Rosalie's scarf from Twilight. 

I'm going to have to become a more faithful scarf wearer, I can tell you that right now!

Especially because…


This one is nearly half done again.  It's almost as long as a light saber…




I've also decided to make myself another pair of Bella mittens.  Maybe not for this winter, but certainly for next.  I can't resist this brown tweed.  And the pattern was a dream and the mittens are perfect!  I should have two pairs, I think!

Also decided on two Christmas presents that I want to knit up this year, but can't share them here, or it'll give them away to the intended recipients.  And my Mr. Greenjeans has only just been started… If I actually do make all this, it'll take me all year!


005Will had another pajama party at school today…  a reward for being good.  They were asked to bring a stuffed animal or pillow this time.  He was very excited.002   

Also, as much as it pains me, we cut his hair yesterday.  He didn't like the tangles and he repeatedly told me, "I don't want to look like a girl."  FINE!

And now Scotty wants a haircut like his brother's.  So his appointment is this afternoon…  Geesh…010 

On the knitting front, I completely frogged my first scarf and started over, making it with bigger needles so that it feels drapey and making it a little wider.  Had to find more yarn and buy it…  It's been discontinued by the manufacturer, but I found some on Ebay and it's on it's way…  Also found some modifications on Ravelry that will help to straighten up the edges.002 

It's been a while since I shared some puppy  love, so I thought it was about time.  Here's our little tootsie-pop, freezing cold all the time since I made her go to the doggie spa and get a haircut…007  

And here's our little retarded pup, K.C.  Oh, don't think too badly of me, we love him, even if he is developmentally disabled…  We're commited to giving him as normal a life as possible, considering his handicaps.  lol  This picture is pretty indicative of his temperment most of the time, tongue out, trying to kiss/lick ALL THE TIME…NONSTOP!

In closing, I just feel like venting a little.  My lap-band surgeon requires that all his patients lose a few lbs before surgery and I'm really struggling with the challenge.  I'm at the point now where I'm so angry and frustrated about the process and his stupid requirement that I don't even really care if I get the surgery or not…  WTF?  If I could lose weight on my own, why would I need the surgery, doctor?!?  

Ok, I'm going to go kiss a dog and try to get over it. 

Music to Share!

DannygokeyHave you heard this guy yet?

Sadly, he's only had four chances to sing so far, but I found this video, if you'd like to check him out:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnqDHwcTh0w This shows all four performances.  (since it's early in the season, they're very short performances…dammit…lol)  For those who may not know, I'm talking about Season 8 of American Idol.  So, his name is Danny Gokey and he has my vote the rest of the season!Newmoon2

More music…  this is my current favorite song.  It's by Hana Pestle and is called Need.  She's campaigning to have this song included on the New Moon soundtrack.  My personal opinion is that it would be PERFECT!  Here's the link to check it out:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkL5br41pvg .  Sadly, it isn't on Itunes yet, hopefully soon!

Everything AND the kitchen sink

022Ooooo, aaaah, pretty new kitchen sink and faucet! 


Um…  aftermath of new kitchen sink and faucet…  I better shut up and quit giving Scott a hard time, 'cause I have some heavy lifting that I want him to do for me later today.022  

Also have pretty new curtains in our bedroom.  (happy in a purely selfish way that the curtains in my folks' new house are all the wrong colors for them, but the right colors for us!  So guess who gets to enjoy them now?!)040  

In other news, I think the boys have enjoyed their couple days off from school. 


They've played in the snow a bunch!  (Made up for such a mild winter and very limited snow so far… )





On the knitting front, My So Called Scarf is coming right along.  I'll have it done in another couple of lazy knitting days… I say lazy days, because I have a nasty cold and I'm moving in slow motion…029  

And this was the progress made on my Mr. Greenjeans, during the retreat.  I originally didn't think it was much, but upon closer examination, this isn't just the back of the sweater, as I had thought while I was knitting along…  I can't wait to get to the decorative cable-y part!  ("Soon, my padawan, soon.")020 

It makes me so happy that Scotty pulled this sweater out of his closet to wear, with no coaxing from me!  I made it for him last year and he's only worn it a couple of times because he says it's too "itchy"…  Didn't seem to bother him when it was his choice to wear it, though…  He wore it all day, with no complaint…  (little control freak!)010  

And in closing, look what my little Doodle made at school for a Valentine's gift for me.  Isn't it adorable?  This is one of those school projects that you hold onto forever, I think! 

Better go tend to mommy stuff and boys now.  I hope you have a great day, whatever you're doing with your time!!

My So Called Scarf


011I put this yarn aside, almost a year ago, in anticipation of making "My So Called Scarf" from it…  Just never could get that spark of excitement for the project and get it started…  until yesterday.

A couple of the ladies at the retreat last weekend, had this scarf and it inspired me to get started on mine.012

I'm also excited to find out that there's just enough gray in this yarn, that I believe it'll  match my Bella mittens perfectly!

This is a really fun pattern…  kinda feels like cheating, the way you manipulate the stitches…  It's quick too:  large yarn, large needles.  I  only cast on 20 (pattern calls for 30), but I prefer skinnier scarves and I wasn't sure that I would have enough of this beautiful yarn to make it as long as I wanted it to be…  AND…  the yarn has been discontinued by the manufacturer…  ugh.

Also fun to use straight needles for the first time in a very long time!  I'm so easily pleased…

A New Computer and other stuff…

001I finished my Bella mittens yesterday and they are perfect!  They fit like a dream, they're soft and warm.  I think they're my favorite thing I've ever knit!  And, of course, you have to take a picture with an apple…  duh!002 

The weather's supposed to be really nice the next few days, but I'm sure my hands are going to be cold…  I'm wearing them, dammit!!!  lol016     

Also swatched for my first sweater yesterday.  I've changed my mind about the pattern and I'm going to make one called Mr. Greenjeans,  although mine is going to be brown…  (does that matter?  I need more coffee…)  This yarn is knitting up really nicely too.  It's "Rowan Kid Classic" and it is probably the softest yarn I've ever felt!  It's very light-weight too, this is going to be a great, light sweater!Greenjeans 

Here's a picture of someone else's completed Mr. Greenjeans. (for you non Ravelers.)  I just love it.  It's been on my to-do list for some time.

I decided against the Central Park Hoodie when I realized that I just bought two sweaters that look just like it…  I know, they're store-bought, not the same, but it's just too close for me.007

So, my Will asked, for the first time, to wear his Pirate mittens to school…  They're his!  I made them for him!  He should be able to wear them when and where he likes…  Right?  Then why am I so nervous that one of them won't come home?  I can't make them again!  I won't!  He said he'd be very careful with them…  I've got to let it go!009  

And, just for the heck of it, a happy picture of the little brother…

And in closing, just wanted to let you know that we had to buy a new computer.  Mine died on Sunday.  My honey hasn't reinstated my data from the old machine yet, so I don't have any photos past yesterday and no email addresses or favorites list (to visit my regular blogs) yet…  I'm a little lost, trying to compile all that again, so if you're waiting for a response from me, better to email me a new note and I'll get to it asap. 

Alrighty, I'm outta here…  off to do more mommy stuff…  Happy Tuesday!