The Other Little Weirdo


Here's the "baby".  (I call him that purely because he's the younger of the two.  Truth be known, he was larger than Will almost since birth…)








He kinda looks like Edward Cullen, in this shot…  angry vampire eyes! 


And he kinda looks like Sir Paul McCartney in this one… big, sweet, eyes and perfect eyebrows…


036 Love this big ol' baby!

Crying, I smiled with joy

100_9711My sweet, beautiful husband went through hell this past week.  One of the kindest, best people you'll ever know and he went through hell this week.

Last Friday, after weeks of sickness and doctor visits, our family physician informed us that Scott's CT Scan led him to believe that Scott either had lung cancer or a chronic lung disease.  He told us the next step toward finding a diagnosis would be a lung biopsy.  Scott was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday, enduring intense emotional stress and agonizing physical pain…  but in the end, we were rewarded.

He DOES NOT have cancer.  He has a condition called sarcoidosis, from which our doctor is very optimistic about Scott having a full recovery.

 We went through hell.  But we're going to be just fine!

He loves them!

022My mother made a pair of "skull mittens" for Bee-Bop and he loves them! 

I'm so glad she wanted to do these, because I SO DID NOT!  She says she even enjoyed it…  (alrighty, if you say so.  lol)

They really do look very striking in black and red.  Good job, Guh!

Fabulous time in Colorado, but always Heaven to be home!

076  We always have fun at the mountain house and this time was no exception!  We only got to spend the day, but this summer, we have big plans, including fishing trips with Daddy!053 

I'm not really sure what possessed the boys this time, but for the first time, they both were really into driving "the little red truck".  There was even talk of, "When can we get our driver's licenses."  NOT FOR A VERY LONG TIME YET, BOYS!!065 

So, here's our first little driver.  He did very well.  I sat next to them, with one hand on the steering wheel and my foot close to the pedals the whole time. (in case you were momentarily thinking me NUTS…)073  

Bee was a much more attentive driver than Will…  not sure what was going on there, but Will kept looking at different things and not paying attention to the road…  It was all great fun, though! (I thought Umpa might lose it a couple of times, but he managed to survive it too.)

Improvisational Knitting

003 I've seen the owl cable on sweaters and hats and I felt pretty sure that I could figure out how to put it on a fingerless glove. (since I couldn't find a pattern)  I still need to find some tiny brown buttons for his little eyes.  And still have to knit the left mitten.  But this was a really quick knit, fun and I can't wait to wear them.  I'm slightly pleased with myself because this is the first thing I've knit without a pattern.  Who knew I could do that?