Could Be Worse…

WinterbrightIt's been cold this week and the forecast is calling for more cold and snow, starting on Sunday…  but the coldest I've ever been, in my entire life, was the first year we lived in Iowa!  It was a great time, with great friends.  Our boys were babies, we loved our beautiful house, life was good.  We cherish every minute we got to live there, but it was pretty damned cold in Iowa!

Me, me, me

100_5540I'm considering myself tagged, Amanda!  This ought to be fun.  I'm supposed to share 7 random things about myself…  I tried to make them interesting, but I've led a pretty sheltered life, you know…  So, here goes:


1.  I used to be a vegetarian.  I’d be one again, but it hurts my head thinking of planning separate meals for the family and me…

2.  I’ve lived on both U.S. coasts and in the middle of the country.  (Georgia, North Carolina on the east coast,  Washington State and Alaska on the western side and in the middle:  Colorado, Iowa and Nebraska.)

3.  I waited until my mid-thirties to have my first baby.  Then had two babies in three years!  (Then my husband “cut me off”.)

4.   I’ve been married three times, twice to the same man…  the wrong man…  (sometimes I’m thick-headed!)

5.  I’m uncoordinated…  almost clumsy even…

6.  I met my husband when I was 15.  (the right man, the now and forever one.)  We dated for a couple years, broke up, went our separate ways.  15 years later, we were reunited, got married and are in the process of living happily ever after.

7.  I never had any surgery or broke anything until I was 33.  And then, in the last 8 years, I’ve broken my knee and my foot and had four surgeries.  My doctor says I'm healthy as a horse now! 



It Was a Huge Success!

100_7889Will's birthday party, yesterday was big hit!  He told us it was "awesome", which is the highest compliment an 8-year-old can give.100_7890 

The only thing that makes me sad about the whole deal is:  I think they're always going to want a birthday party at home, with friends from now on…100_7910 

It can be a little stressful with 1/2 dozen kids running around like crazy people, in your house.  Maybe as they get a little older, there'll be less of that paticular behavior, though.  Looks like everyone had a fun time!100_7927 

In knitting news, I got my first pair of Bella Mittens done yesterday!  They are so beautiful!  Excellent pattern!  I just can't say enough about it.  I began on the second, larger pair yesterday too.  Hoping to have them done in the next few days so I can wear them!100_7931 

Because this is what it looks like outside of my house today…  And we aren't able to get the cars in the garage right now because it's subbing as a wood-working shop…  That steering wheel gets so cold…  brrrr….   My new mittens are going to be perfect!

Alright, I'm off to make the most of a snow day at home.  I'm making (for the first time in my life) from-scratch, homemade lasagna.  Recipe says it takes about 3 hours to prepare, so IT BETTER BE WORTH IT! 


We Should Go To The Park and I Have Some Exciting News!!

100_4234This was today, two years ago.  I bet my honey is much happier with today in the present year!  It's 65 degrees and sunny right now and I'm planning to take the boys to the park after school.  They'll love it!

And so for the exciting news…  I've made a final decision to have the lap-band procedure done.  (actually made the decision back in September, but it's taken this long to get half way done with the paperwork that the doctor and insurance company require.) 

I felt pretty sure that the insurance company wasn't going to pay anything, but we got confirmation yesterday that they will cover it, if we go to their doctor.  So, we'll have to start the paperwork process all over again next week.  (my consultation with the new MD is next Monday) But, what a fun surprise to hear that we won't have to pay for it, out of our pocket!  Keep your fingers crossed for me that the process won't take as long this time…

I Know… They’re Awesome… I Love ’em Too! But…

100_7858I've gotten one of my Bella mittens done and I absolutely love it!  The pattern is a dream to work with-clearly worded-no problems at all.  (I think this is the first time ever, that I haven't had a question about a pattern!)

However, I'm a tight knitter and it's a little more snug than I'd like…  So, I've ordered myself some bigger dpns and some more yarn to make myself a slightly more roomy pair and this first, smaller pair is going to be a surprise for a friend, who also went NUTS for the movie and the mittens when she saw them in the movie.  100_7852

To the world's best knitting instructor, my mother, CAN YOU BELIEVE I KNOW HOW TO DO THIS???  Cool, huh?  And easy and really special looking!  Thanks so much for having the patience of a saint–to teach me to knit!


100_7842Time seems to have slowed down for me over the last few weeks…  Not sure why.  When I used to not have enough hours in the day, now I find myself looking for things to do.  It's a nice change, much less stress.  I'm not sure how I find myself here, but I'm thankful for it.

Yesterday I tried my hand at hemp bracelet making.  I must say, it was a lot easier than I ever dreamed and I love the simplicity of it.Twilight2 

I'm also looking forward to another viewing of Twilight this weekend!  I'm going shopping, spa-ing, dining and movie watching with Mandy this Saturday.  Should be fun.