Our First Cub Scout Day Camp…

100_4284 It was a long, hot day in Sterling, Colorado at Cub Scout daycamp yesterday.  I got a bit of sunburn, Scott got a bit of grumpy, but the boys had a blast.  We could have been done with the whole thing in half the time, if it had been organized correctly, though.  It would have been much more fun for everyone, if the pace wasn't quite so slow…  They gave each group of 6 boys nearly an hour at each station…  way too much time and the boys get tired and hot and bored…  They perk up when the next activity starts, but there's lots of whining til then…100_4316

Both boys really enjoyed the obstacle course.  I think that might have been their favorite activity.  The rope bridge was a huge hit!


100_4359 Bee wasn't real sure about the guns.  At first he wanted to sit this one out, but when I showed interest in learning how to shoot and the cool "cowboy scout" came over to help him, he was up for it.

100_4369 Scott walked around with Will, while I was with Bee.  I didn't understand that when I volunteered to watch a couple of kids, that I was actually signing up to guide a group of 6 boys…  but that's what happened.  So, luckily Scotty was in my group, but my Dood wasn't.  I'm so, so happy that Daddy was with us, so he could help (and keep an eye on) Will.  I heard that Will had difficulty with the guns, but he really excelled with archery!  Look, he's pulling that string back and it was hard…  I know, I did it too and I have bruises on my arms to prove it…  I didn't say I did it well…100_4383

And so this is what a typical six-year-old looks like at the end of a full day of Cub Scout camp!

100_4384 And here's an example of a post Cub Scout camp seven-year old.

The ride home was very quiet and peaceful!

Didn’t know how much I missed it…

100_4259 Scott and I have always had a pretty bedroom.  It's always been my favorite room in the house.  But for some reason, we have neglected this room for nearly two years.  It still had white walls and we were using the corners for storage…it's easy to fall into that trap, if the room isn't great to start with.

But Scott decided, about a month ago, that he was ready to take matters into his own hands.  So a little furniture rearranging and lots of painting and special wall treatments100_4261

a new rug and new curtains and blind…  We have a beautiful bedroom again.  I didn't know how much I missed having our own, pretty space.  Scott had thought he was tired of our bed linens, but they look really special in the room now.  Almost new again!  Thank you, honey, for making our room beautiful again!  I love you.

Feeling Inspired

100_4219 Here's the first page in my summer journal/altered book project.  Although it may not be as busy as most altered books, I think I'm going to like it.  The process certainly was fun…just throw it on there and hope for the best, mixing glue and paint…  I love the way the glued-together pages are crinkly. 

I can't wait to have more time to work on it.

100_4220 Here's Umpa's Father's Day card, that he hasn't gotten yet.  Kind of eclectic, but I like it.  Found the inspiration for this one on Nora's blog.  Umpa will get it next week, when we visit again.

100_4016 And here's our Daddy's Father's Day card.  An original design… imagine that!  The boys made Daddy cards too and we got him several little gifts.  I think he was pleased.100_4221

 And I'm having so much fun now that I've broken my own promise to me,  about knitting.  I promised that I wouldn't work on anything else until I had completed my first shawl.  IT'S TAKING SO LONG…IT'S JUST SUCKING THE LIFE RIGHT OUT OF ME!!!!  So I started on a little boy sock.  I know it doesn't much look like a boy, but this is yarn that I already owned and that Will requested!  I'm actually already working on the foot, I was just too lazy to go upstairs and take another picture!  lol

Also been looking on the internet for Minky Chenille at a good price…  If anyone has suggestions where to buy, please let me know.  Why is that stuff so expensive???  Yep, got a new blankey in mind.  I'm thinking chocolate brown minky and maybe this cute, vintage-looking owl fabric on the front…Owlfabricblue

There's one with a pink background and one with a beige background…haven't entirely made up my mind yet, just fell in love with the little owls.

I'm going for something like this, but in an adult throw size:


If you'd like to check out this etsy shop, here's the link:  http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=103775 . Another really cute esty shop that I lucked up on is this:  http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5077416&order=&section_id=&page=1 .  This is the lady who makes those irresistible recycled sock and sweater dolls that I mentioned in a previous post.  I love etsy…so much inspiration to be found there.  I absolutely love seeing what others are doing, dreaming that someday I'll be able to make cute stuff too…  hehehe

Time to go get coffee.  I was going to do yard work and cut the grass today, but the weather isn't going to allow it.  We got a thunderstorm and hail last night (tore up all my flowers) and it's rainy and gloomy today…  supposed to be that way the next few days.  I hope it clears up for Boy Scout Day camp this Saturday…  We'll see.

Hope you have a great Thursday!

Before and After

100_4244 This is what our bathroom looked like when I got home from Cub Scouts, last night around 7:30pm. 100_4254

And this is what it looked like when we went to bed around midnight.  Isn't it beautiful?100_4256

I love it when my honey gets a wild hair!  Woo Hoo!

Here's a close-up of the wall treatment:100_4272

What’s on my mind for knitting projects

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I promised myself that I wouldn't start another knitting project until Rachel is completed. (Rachel is my first lace shawl and she's about 2/3 done and has been for months.)

Alright, so here's the reasoning behind changing my mind:  first, I wanted a simple project…a small project that I could take and work on when riding in the car or waiting on boys. Both boys have requested more "yarn socks" so I started the first pair yesterday. Already had the yarn that Will had requested… (always cool when that happens!)

Also ordered E. Zimmerman's pretty famous Baby Surprise Jacket pattern and I'm going to make one for a friend who's due the end of July. And…I already own the yarn… So cool!!  It's going to be like the red, white, blue and tan one in this mosaic. She's having a baby boy and I think it'll just be adorable on him!

While looking for kid sock pictures and BSJ pictures on Flickr, I ran across those little knit dolls in the center of the mosaic. The girl who makes them from recycled sweaters and socks, sells them on Etsy.com and you can find her shop here: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5077416&order=&section_id=&page=1 . SO CUTE!!! I thought, briefly, about trying to make my own…but I think I'm going to buy myself one…

Also wanted to share another etsy shop that has inspired me to get out my sewing machine again: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=103775 . See that pink blankey with the minky, chocolate backing? Uh huh, I'm making that!  Soon as the girls and I get back down to Joann's-sometime in July, and I can find the fabric. 

Guess that's it for now. Got an ungodly amount of laundry to do today, so I better get busy. Have a great Monday, everyone!

I Think They Had Fun

100_4183 We attended our first Cub Scout Space Derby yesterday afternoon.  And except for the unexpected and tedious set-up time, the event was a lot of fun for everyone.100_4184

The first half of the day was really all about entertaining little boys.100_4185

We went out to lunch after the derby and then home to play in the sprinkler.  Daddy says it's still to cool to set up the swimming pool.  Bummer!  They had a ball, though.100_4208

Then, after showers, we watched a movie together and ate popcorn.  Daddy took a nap.  Later in the evening we ordered yummy Chinese food for dinner.  It was a great day.  Weather gorgeous too!


Even Miss tootsie-pop enjoyed herself, stalking the tomatoes and being spoiled with belly scratching from her favorite human!100_4215

As for today, until my honey gets up, I'm playing in my scrapbook room, having started on my summer altered journal this morning.   Then later we're going to spoil Daddy with gifts and handmade cards and a steak dinner.  He's gonna love it.

Better get going, for now…my coffee cup's empty again…  Geesh!

Eye Candy Friday and other stuff

100_4040 Just some pretty flowers at my Mom's house…have no idea what they are, just love how they look like pink lace.

The weather is just perfect today.  Cool and blue sky, feels like fall already… (I love fall, but I'm not quite ready for it yet.)   Makes me want to be outside, though,  so I may cut the back yard…doesn't even really need it yet, but I'm dying to be outside…  Gotta plant some seedlings that the boys started at Cub Scouts a few weeks ago too.  Looks like we're going to be growing beans!  (not sure what kind, though…  lol)

100_4074 So, we have a fun weekend planned, full of Boy Scout Space Derbys and Father's Day celebrating.  Got some preparations to do today and maybe some knitting to do over the weekend too…  It's going to be a100_4078 nice, peaceful, summer weekend at home!  Supposed to even be warm tomorrow…Maybe even swimming pool weather…  These pictures of my spoiled boys were taken last weekend at the mountain house.  It actually snowed on us, while we were out of the deck…just for a moment… It was fun. 

I guess the boys and I are going to go get busy.  In closing here's a picture of our giant baby dog, Duke and his best friend, Umpa.100_4062

Love that big, ol' puppy!

The man isn't too bad either…  hehehe

She Would Have Been 17 Today…


In a perfect world, where your beloved animals live as long as you do, Jo would still be with me and today would be her 17th birthday.  Yes, we'd have cake and drink milk to celebrate.  There would be gifts and yes, she knew how to open them, all by herself.  And there would be lots of hugs and kisses on that fuzzy, little neck.  I can still feel her, in her spot, on my shoulder.  I can lean over, as if to kiss her and still imagine how soft her fur was and how good she smelled-usually smelled of Johnson's Baby Shampoo.   I can still hear her "talking" and snoring.  I will always love her.  She is my first baby.  I miss you so much, my Seattle girl.