Education Choices


I worry about education choices.  It isn’t a daily or constant worry, but sometimes things will pop up or negative comments will hit me hard.

Last night, on Madame Secretary, the grown daughter went on a job interview and was flatly refused consideration because she had dropped out of college.  Prior to that information being divulged, the interviewer had been very interested in her.  (in the show, it was proven that the requirement of having a degree was completely arbitrary.  When the daughter told the interviewer that the Secretary of State was her mother, she immediately became a viable candidate for the job again.  Degree be damned…)

Another recent incident that made me question our education choices came from an unexpected source.  I’m not sure why I let it get to me.  I know there are opponents to homeschooling but I don’t hear their opinions daily, in the circles where I live.  “Homeschooling doesn’t work,” was the blanket statement that got back to me.  It came from a homeschooling failure, so how would I expect him to have a realistic view of the situation?  He isn’t any kind of expert and not someone whose opinion I value. 

I think about how much of the information that was crammed down my throat in school made an impact in my life.  NOT MUCH.  But what about the discipline of going everyday?  What about the expectations and responsibility that it provided for me?  What about the fortitude? 

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t put my boys back in the public school environment willingly for anything.  I think the cons greatly outweigh the pros.  But there are good things that we’re missing out on. 

I have the almost constant question running through my head:  “Am I asking enough of them?”  Then, on good days, it becomes:  “Your education is getting in the way, Tina.  Children learn.  You just have to provide them with the materials.”


I read about homeschooled children getting into college, no problem.  But what kind of self-motivated, over-achiever kid is this?  Our boys are pretty typical in their interests and motivations these days.  Discipline and working-towards-a- goal show themselves most frequently when trying to level up on a video game…  and last time I checked, that isn’t REAL.  That’s why unschooling didn’t work for us.  (We’re back to textbooks this year, and still I worry that it isn’t enough.)

Will and Scotty asked me the other day, what grades they’re in.  They both needed to confirm the information because they couldn’t remember with certainty.

When we started homeschooling, I thought it was great that homeschool textbooks aren’t written for just one grade level.  They span a couple years.  That made it possible, in most subjects, to teach both boys from the same book even though they are a year apart.  Now I wonder, did I hold Will back or did I push Scotty ahead?  (feels like I held Will back.)  But if that’s the case, did it need to happen?  Am I challenging the boys enough?  There were times when the public school approach was too challenging for them…  We had a lot of talks with teachers about staying focused and sitting still and not spacing out… 

These days, with our homeschooling, there isn’t a lot of repetition because they bore and thoughts stray easily.  School doesn’t take very long because of this (and because the student to teacher ratio is really good.)

Next year Will will be a freshman in high school and I’ll need to start keeping/creating transcripts.  Right now he doesn’t have much interest in internships or community service or starting his own company.  (all the really cool things I hear go-getter homeschooled kids do  and supposedly the stand-out things that colleges look for in homeschooled candidates.)

The boys aren’t babies anymore.  This shit is starting to matter now.

Lap Band Update–2 Months

Well, as I knew it would, the weight loss has slowed significantly.  It can be discouraging.  I wonder if I ought to weigh bi-weekly now, so that the scale doesn’t piss me off.

I lost 11 pounds the second month, but 8 of it was the first 2 weeks…  That means 1.5 last week and 1.5 this week, despite adding another weekly workout.

When I first got my band, I’d only weigh once a month, at the doctor’s office.  And I was thrilled with a 7 pound weight loss.  I’ve been pretty successful this time, pretty quickly so far and I’ve made peace with the scale.  It would be tough to only weigh once a month. 

I’m not optimistic that I’m going to reach my goal before the holidays.  I’ll have to give myself more time.  In order to reach my first goal, I’d have to lose 6 pounds in the next 15 days.  NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.  But I might be able to do it by Halloween,  then onto a maintenance plan through the holidays.  This part is going to be a first for me:  food journaling and working out during maintenance.  (maybe that’s where I’ve failed in the past.)  1800 calories per day for maintenance and 2000 on work out days.  I may work out every day…  lol

So my total weight loss so far is 30 pounds.  It’s going to take those last 6 (maybe even 10 more) to fit comfortably into those pretty jeans that I bought when I started.

And when I think about it, 30 pounds since the end of July is pretty damn good.  I have nothing to be disappointed about.  And “putting it down on paper” here has helped me to gain perspective.

I’m going to keep it up:  1000-1200 per day and 4 weekly workouts.  It’ll come off.  But unless I want to abuse my body, it’s going to be a little slower from here on out. 

Just be patient, Tina.  You’re doing really well.

Ten Years Ago Today

Ten years ago today was Will’s first day of preschool!  We attended Westminster Presbyterian Preschool in Beaverdale, Iowa.  Still, in my opinion, one of the best kid experiences ever!  We were so lucky to find them.

Of course baby brother had to have a school backpack too, but he really wasn’t interested in going to school.  (never has been.)  Wow by boys were beautiful babies!

Bee got to hang out with Mommy and run errands while Doodle went to “school”.  Then we’d pick up Will and have lunch at the park or go home for lunch.  We’d play a little bit and then it was time for a nap.  (I miss nap time…)

And yep, we were doing these silly, little, store-bought pumpkin cookies way back then!  (but way back then, I probably didn’t know how to make real cookies…  lol)

It was a fun, fun, fun time!  It didn’t last nearly long enough and I can’t believe it’s already been 10 years…

Right Now


Helping… my diet along by making a batch of Weight Watchers Zero Point Soup.  (and it was very tasty!)  I added two ounces of lean ground beef for lunch today.

Thanking… my husband…  always.  xoxo

Making… “Outlander” – inspired sleeves/wrist warmers, one pair for me and one for a friend.


Adjusting to… a more relaxed (and still productive) way of home schooling.


Having… fun with a challenge presented to me, but also happily planning to abandon it. (my lap band doctor said I couldn’t lose 10 pounds in the next 4 weeks, “not at this stage of the game.”  I’m still trying.  But I’m looking forward to the maintenance part of the program that’s coming up quickly with the approaching holiday season.)

Trying to… be present and show love.  Always trying to nurture. (taking a few minutes to bake these silly, little, store-bought cookies that my boys love.) 

The only taste I had was kissing my husband after he had eaten one…  I recommend this technique of cookie eating!


Planning to… go the extra mile this fall to make it special for my family. (like what we do in December in order to do the December Daily scrapbook.  I get inspiration, have ideas and I get off my butt and do all the fun things I want to do with my family, when I’m  assembling a book about it!  I’m not doing a fall book, but I want that same attitude.)

Savoring… the first taste of cool, fall weather, on these awesome days at home with my boys.


Loving… Boo-berry’s super fuzzy face, but at the same time, looking forward to the doggy spa visit next week!



With Halloween Rapidly Approaching…


I’ve been trying to think about how to get my tween boys to participate in fun Fall activities AND ENJOY IT.

I know pumpkin patch activities are really geared toward little kids (and picture-taking moms), but our local farm has tween/teen activities in the evenings with a haunted corn maze.  And, let’s face it, I’m going to buy pumpkins anyway.  Might as well, right?


I used to LOVE the Charlie Brown Halloween special when I was their age.  I wonder, if I made popcorn, would they watch it with me?


We used to own (and the boys were addicted to) a Garfield holiday dvd.  We watched it so much that we quoted it for years.  I need to find it.  It had a Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas episode and they were so cute. (I went in search of the dvd this afternoon and found it!)


We already have planned a trip to look at the Autumn leaves in the Rocky Mountain National Park later this month.  I know touring in the car isn’t one of their favorite activities, so I will try to get out and walk around with them a lot.  Maybe get some hot chocolate at the lodge on top of Trail Ridge.


I want to make the time to have a fire in the fire pit and do s’mores this year!

When the boys were little, I started planning Halloween costumes in July!  (I don’t know what was wrong with me…)   

Let’s be completely honest though,  now that they want to be zombies and Dark Lords it just isn’t as much fun for me.  However, Scott loved doing the costumes last year, so I guess that’s just as good. (No word yet on what they’re going to be this Halloween.)


I told some friends that I’m going to make a sign to put around Scotty’s neck this year for Halloween that says, “I’m only 12!”  Because at 5’10”, he looks too old to be trick-or-treating!


The boys have always enjoyed carving jack o’ lanterns but the last few years I’ve done it with them.  Scott used to do it when they were little and he’s agreed to take over again this year!

That’s all I’ve come up with so far.  If you have any suggestions, please leave me a comment.


1.  We’re supposed to get our first freeze tonight.  I covered the mums and harvested everything in the garden.



2.  I’m shocked to hear of a big move involving a sweet (but sadly absent) friend.  I hope she and her family are ridiculously happy in Mississippi!

3.  I’ve been following the Lap Band rules for 7 weeks.  I’ve lost 26 lbs.  My short term goal is to lose 10 more before Halloween then maintain through the holidays.  My doctor says that’s too optimistic for this part of the game.  We’ll see…



5.  I’ve hired a painter to finally finish the exterior of our house remodel:  painting the front doors to match the new red siding and wooden garage door!

6.  This week is a crazy one for my honey:  work in Denver on Monday, Big Elk Meadows house geological survey on Tuesday, Wednesday he hosted a benefit for a friend and then Wednesday evening left for San Jose where he is now.  He’ll be home Friday evening.  Saturday we have to attack an emergency home repair – mold in the laundry room from a water softener leak.  He’ll be back to Denver on Sunday for a Broncos game.  (I hope we can stay home next week!)

7.  The journey to build a new mountain house was hit hard this week.  We received a not-as-optimistic-as-we-had-wanted report from the geological survey.  At the moment, we aren’t sure if it’s going to happen at all.  The thought of not having a place in the mountains is a very sad one…

8.  With the cooler weather, I just want to sip on coffee and knit.


9.  School this week has been unschooling again.  A lot of traveling and very few books.  Hoping to get back into book time today.

10.  Got 10,000 steps in EASILY today.  Busy day and I didn’t even leave home.  I’m going to sleep well tonight!  (I love days like that!)

Starting School Again

Well, it was relatively painless…  I have to remind myself, several times a day, that the first week is trial and error, learning everything new again, seeing what works and what doesn’t.

Will, upon seeing text books again this year, was the first to ask, “What happened to unschooling?  I want to do that some more.” 

Eight months of mostly Xboxing made me reevaluate unschooling for our family.  And as many times as I asked unschooling friends, “Is this ok?”  and they replied, “Yes, they’re learning, go join them.”  It still didn’t feel right.

The same unschooling resources would also suggest that it’s because I was damaged by my own traditional education.  It might be true, but it all boils down to doing what I feel is right for my family.  (and that’s what I had to tell Will too.)IMG_6241edited

I’m thankful that a random post on Facebook led me to learn about Minecraft Homeschool because this stuff is going to be fun!  (I’m even enjoying it, watching the tutorial videos, learning pc/game commands and seeing the creative part of the game.)  The class doesn’t officially open until September 8th, but the boys have already watched all the tutorials, read the introduction material and even started playing with classmates. 

We watched the first Learn It video yesterday about deserts.  This is an introductory class and the content is probably a little young for us, but I wanted to make sure they could handle the pc game portion.  If they love it, we can sign up for a class that’s more age appropriate next time. 


The first day of school was marked by a record high temperature of 98 degrees.  We had no desire to do pretty First-Day-of-School pictures outdoors.  We stayed in and it was a good day, although it was very long, ending  around 4pm.

A very welcome cold front came in on the second day with a high temp in the low 70s and a cool breeze all day.  PERFECTION!  We got some lovely pictures, which made me a happy girl.  But it was an unusual day, with computer problems and a high-maintenance Goldendoodle, who had to have an emergency bath, and an exploded gallon of milk, most of which ended up on the carpet and a school bookshelf…


The boys had a hard time adhering to the schedule, which is fine with me to an extent.  I mean, unrealistic time constraints are one of the things I hated about public school.  But when my teenagers start taking 2 hours to eat breakfast and shower (after I’ve let them sleep til 9, because the experts say their little bodies need it)  something’s gotta give! 

I thought I could possibly wrap my schedule around theirs, you know, doing my stuff while they sleep in the mornings and starting school later in the afternoon, but with the level of supervision that they require right now, it isn’t working out…  They like to horse around A LOT!


So, it’s Friday, the end of a short week for us.  A good, soft reintroduction to a school schedule.   Next week is going to be an exercise in flexible education:  a trip to Colorado, school at Guh and Umpa’s house, our first field trip with our homeschool group on Tuesday, a trip to my “skinny” doctor in Cheyenne on Wednesday, Daddy’s leaving town on Thursday…  Busy, busy!


I just want to slow down and make time for it all.  As I was getting ready for bed last night I could hear the boys hootin’ and hollerin’ downstairs, having fun with something.  And the thought crossed my mind that they’ll be gone before I know it.  There’ll come a day, sooner than I want, that I won’t be hearing their voices in our house.  They’ll have their own place. 

Even with milk disasters and dog chaos and kids procrastinating, I love this life. I love these boys.  I wouldn’t change a thing.