It Looks Like Us

This picture makes me feel like we’ve gotten a new house!  This house looks like us.  The yard looks like us.  I can’t wait for it to all be done!  It’s going to be several more weeks, I’m afraid…  But I KNOW we’re going to absolutely love it!


Week in the Life ended yesterday.  I’ve got all the pictures and words.  Now we just have to find the time for Scott to teach me how to use the cool digital page templates that I bought!  Can’t wait to learn something new and get this book put together.  This is my all-time favorite scrapbooking project. This will be my fourth edition and the books are so much fun to go back and look at.  (I love Ali Edwards!)

He knew I’d love it…

Scott and the boys put a flower garden in Will’s window well!  There are lots of different colored columbine, because Scott knows they’re my favorite.  (I LOVE THAT MAN!)


Next weekend he plans to paint the corrugated tin to look like the blue sky with a few whispy, white clouds.  It’s going to be awesome.  (May even ask Will to take down his faux Phoenician glass…)

Back Home Again

Spent a few days in Colorado, with our Guh, Umpa and puppies.  Had fun cooking some healthy recipes that my Mom had wanted to try

I just wanted to share some pictures today.  I’m still totally in love with Instagram!  Been playing with it for a couple of weeks now and…  IT IS SO COOL!

Here’s a look at my Instagram shots from the week:


But I still love the range, the focus, the editing capabilities of my Canon too…  I couldn’t get these shots with Instagram:




Now that we’re home, we’re half way into the house remodel:


Things feel a little chaotic because of the work on the house, but I’m looking forward to getting back to a routine and school – got some fun homeschool stuff planned for this week.  Garden planning, science experiments and a trip to the zoo!  (making plans for a trip to the Butterfly Pavilion in Denver too!)

And to top it all off, Ali Edwards is doing A Week in the Life this week.  Is there any possible way that I could fit it in, you think????  (I LOVE ALI!)

While knitting on this some more?


And finishing this book?

Lover Reborn

They Are So Big and Handsome!

Yes…  I know we’re buying longer pants every other month for these two.  Yes, I’ve noticed that Will is carrying himself more like a  man.  Yes, I’ve noticed that Scotty isn’t far behind Will.  Yep, they’re eating us out of house and home (like we’ve been told that they would, but there’s still no preparing for it.)

And still it was shocking when I unloaded my camera, when we got home from Easter dinner.  Who are these big, handsome young men?  They resemble my babies…


And then after Easter dinner, we went to get coffee at Starbucks and I captured this grown up-looking moment.  And it almost just pisses me off, how mature they look in this one:


Can’t let one single day get away from you or you’ll miss it!

I’m Already Hooked!

Instagram for Android was released earlier this week!  Didn’t know if I was going to love it as much as lots of  iPhone people apparently do…  I was skeptical…  (kinda like when I first learned what an iPod was and now I can’t live without mine.)

Here are my first Instagram images and I’m happy to announce that I’m already hooked!


Not just  for the way the images look, am I hooked, but IT’S FUN!  I highly encourage you to give it a try!

Daddy and Bee Made Dinner!

First off, there were homemade meatballs!  Yum!


Then (something I’ve NEVER done) homemade noodles!


Then a lovely family dinner!  (I love when we make the time to eat at the table, all together…  We don’t do it nearly often enough.)


The boys even drank from wine glasses!


And the food was DELICIOUS!  (I think you guys should cook more often!)
